A varied range of safety and emergency training courses are offered to meet the offshore oil
Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training Course Dates & Fees
Course Code BOS
Approvals OPITO
Course Duration 3 Days
Prerequisites None
Assessment Continuous assessment with written, oral and practical methods used
Teaching Methods Theory and practical sessions
Course Description
The course is designed for new entrants into the offshore oil & gas industry in the UK sector who fall within the category of non-specialist personnel. This course is a requirement before working in the offshore industry and it satisfies the Oil and Gas UK requirements.
The course is divided into four modules: safety induction, sea survival, fire fighting & self-rescue and helicopter safety & escape. This will give personnel with no specialist emergency response duties a basic understanding and awareness of the hazards encountered when travelling to work on offshore installations and the emergency procedures involved following an offshore incident.
The Industry standards for basic and further emergency training have been revised and changes to the course content came into effect on 1st of April 2007.
For more information please click on link www.opito.net
Further Offshore Emergency Training Course Dates & Fees
Course Code FOET
Approvals OPITO
Course Duration 1 Day
Prerequisites Satisfactory completion of the Basic Offshore Safety Induction and
Emergency Training course or the Further Offshore Emergency Training
course. “In date” existing offshore certification must be produced at
registration by attendees.
Assessment Continuous oral & practical assessment is used
Teaching Methods Theory and practical sessions
Course Description
The course is to complement and refresh existing emergency training, update and reinforce the knowledge gained on the Basic Course with regard to helicopter escape, survival techniques, hand held fire fighting equipment and self-rescue techniques using smoke hoods.
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Helicopter Underwater Escape Training (HUET) Course Dates & Fees
Course Code HUET
Approval None an academy certificate is issued on completion
Course Duration ½ Day
Prerequisites None
Assessment Continuous assessment
Teaching Methods Theory and practical sessions including helicopter simulator training
Course Description
The course is designed to enhance the safety of marine personnel who are engaged in helicopter transfers at sea. It covers both normal and emergency safety procedures and includes dry evacuation training and practical underwater escape training using breath hold techniques.
full story @ www.warsashacademy.co.uk