Thursday, July 2, 2009

Another rig joins the offshore drilling fleet

HOUSTON: New rigs continue to join the offshore drilling fleet, even as rig demand continues to fall in some rig markets, according to ODS-Petrodata's Weekly Mobile Offshore Rig Count.

The worldwide contracted mobile offshore rig count fell by a net two rigs, and now stands at 564. One new rig joined the world fleet, which now numbers 729 rigs. The rig that joined the fleet, a jackup, does not have a contract commitment and is currently idle.

Worldwide offshore rig fleet utilization this week is 77.4 percent, its lowest level since March 2000.

The U.S. Gulf of Mexico rig count has slid again, and fleet utilization is down as a result. This week, 56 of the region's 114 mobile offshore drilling units are under contract and fleet utilization is 49.1 percent.

The South American offshore rig count is unchanged again this week. With 83 of the region's 109 offshore rigs remaining under contract, fleet utilization is 76.1 percent.

The number of rigs under contract in European waters and the Mediterranean Sea also is unchanged. With 101 of 107 mobile offshore rigs under contract, the area's fleet utilization rate is 94.4 percent.

The West Africa offshore rig count is also unchanged. This week, of the 59 mobile offshore drilling units in the region, 44 are under contract. Fleet utilization is 74.6 percent.

The Middle East contracted offshore rig count fell by two rigs, and is now at 83. One rig joined the region's fleet, which now numbers 107 rigs. Fleet utilization is 77.6 percent.

The contracted offshore rig count in the Asia/Australia market is unchanged at 102, and the area's offshore rig fleet size remains at 121. The region's offshore rig fleet utilization rate is 84.3 percent this week.

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