Ironically, when we created Shelter Offshore much of our focus was on living abroad and how to achieve the dream life overseas, but we failed to focus on working abroad sufficiently until our readers drew our attention to this lack on our part.
We focused on where to live, how to live, how to invest to make your money go far further, and even where to buy stunning property overseas – but the key to all of this is of course having the financial means to enable you to relocate. Of course we redressed the balance and introduced the working abroad section to our living abroad channel and the rest is history……or not quite! You see, we recently read that 1 in 4 Britons would move abroad for work reasons. However, many are restricted by lack of knowledge about how to find jobs abroad and get work overseas so that they can escape UK. Which means that this guide to securing an income abroad is required reading. Why Do So Many Britons Want to Escape UK and Work Abroad?
The latest British government statistics, as quoted on Expat, reveal that work reasons account for about 57% of relocations away from the UK.
Britons want to move because the economy in the UK is so bad, job security is a thing of the past, and because there is no hope on the horizon that things will improve.
Whilst other nations have also faced their own share of economic issues, Britain is doing particularly poorly with high inflation, a weak pound and a stagnant yet still overpriced property market. Therefore to escape al of this, Britons want to move abroad and find a better working environment, improved job prospects and a better lifestyle.
Where Can You Earn the Most Money From Working Overseas?
Last year we produced a report on the 10 best countries to work in abroad if you want more money.
The countries that rank highest include a really diverse mix of nations around the world. If you don’t want to venture too far then Switzerland comes in at number 7, if you want to earn the most then consider Singapore or Russia, or if you want to take more of your salary home without the erosion of personal taxation, look to the UAE and perhaps work in Dubai for example.
Should You Focus on Income or Lifestyle?
In talking about the amount of money you can potentially earn if you go overseas for work however, we’re perhaps missing a fundamental fact. Many who choose to move abroad and look for jobs overseas do so to buy into an improved lifestyle.
So, is it all about the money? For some people working abroad is about a short-term contract and banking as much as possible. But for others who simply want a better quality of life, the work is secondary. As long as they earn enough to indeed enjoy an improved lifestyle, that’s sufficient.
You need to think about what’s important to you, as this will drive elements of your relocation such as your country choice and the work you’re willing to do for example.
Should You Seek Employment Abroad or Work for Yourself?
If you have a burning desire to branch out and start your own business, you could combine a relocation abroad with the realisation of your self-employment dream.
However, self-employment is tough – the bottom line is that you’re on your own in terms of making a business work. This reality can add stress to an already stressful time in your life. I.e., moving abroad is stressful, do you really want to add a new business venture on top?
Only you can answer this question for yourself.
If you decide that you do want to go it alone then perhaps the International Chamber of Commerce or the Chamber of Commerce local to your new nation will assist you as you set up and start trading.
If you want to work abroad for an employer then you need to decide whether it’s easier to get a job before you move, or relocate and then begin job hunting.
Think About Visas, Permissions and Qualifications
You need to determine whether you need a visa to work in your chosen nation. You also need to work out whether you need special permission to trade if you want to start a business – perhaps you even need a license?
The embassy of your new nation in the UK may be able to help. Or hop online to expat forums and get asking. Finally, factor in that your qualifications may not translate. You may need to re-qualify locally or have your skills, qualifications and experience documented and translated officially.
How Can You Find Work Overseas?
If you want to look for jobs before you move abroad, consider the following methods: -
- Use international recruitment agencies, all of which are online
- Use specialist recruitment agencies for your business sector, many have an international division for recruitment abroad
- Directly target potential employers. Do this by looking to see who’s recruiting, or by sending in a CV on spec
- Use forums and any contacts you have to begin networking before you relocate – find out if anyone’s hiring
- Sometimes there are international or country specific expos in major cities in the UK, recruiters often attend, so should you!
There are pros and cons associated with finding work before you go as opposed to relocating and then seeking employment. It can be easier to get a visa to live in some nations like Canada and Australia if you have an offer of employment before you apply. However, it can be easier to get a job if you’re on the ground and available to attend an interview.
Have a think about what suits you best…then go for it.
Factor in Business Viability and Job Security
The final aspect to consider when you’re thinking about finding jobs abroad or going overseas to work for yourself is the long-term viability of your plan.
If you’re starting a business you need to ensure the idea works locally to where you’re moving, or if it’s an online business for example, that you can make it pay. If you’re going to find a job overseas then you also need to know that there are plenty to go around!
If you rely on there just being 1 job or 1 opportunity for your business to succeed, you’re putting too much pressure and strain on yourself.
The more options you have the better. If you don’t like your first job you need to know you can apply for others. And if your business idea doesn’t take off immediately, it’s good to know that you can perhaps diversify or modify your idea and adapt it to the market. source: